Portal.office.com - Steps to Download & Install Microsoft Office

Portal.office.com is the simplest and easiest way to access the features of Microsoft office. Microsoft Office is laden with the latest and advanced features that are best for personal and professional use. Therefore, the users are advised to visit the official website to access the services offered by the Microsoft office.

Microsoft Office includes several applications that the users can access through their devices. Moreover, it is great for students and employees and allows them to complete necessary tasks. Furthermore, the users can easily manage their work on the Microsoft office applications. Additionally, the users can easily access the features provided by Microsoft office through their device with the help of an internet connection.

Microsoft Office is compatible with Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android devices. Therefore, the users can easily download and install Microsoft Office on their device. Along with this, the users can access the applications online offered by Microsoft office via portal.office.com. However, to access the services, the users will have to create an account. Thus, through the help of the instructions provided here, it would become easy for all users to create an account. Hence, after successfully creating the account, the users can access their account through portal.office.com.

Features of Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office is a multipurpose platform combining all productive applications such as Word, Powerpoint, and Excel. The users can rely on and create documents for their personal and professional use. Moreover, the users can take full advantage of the powerful tools offered by Microsoft office via portal.office.com.

Furthermore, the users can access the office tools through their smartphone, system, or device in a hassle-free manner. However, the users will have to create an office account. Therefore, the users are advised to visit portal.office.com to create and access the office account. Thus, once the user login to the office account, they can easily access the features and services offered by Microsoft office.

Word, Excel, and PowerPoint

  • Millions of users use these applications, and the users can access all the tools within a single application.

  • The users can store and access the Excel, Word, and PowerPoint files from the cloud-based storage.

  • The users can create and collaborate the word documents with others in real-time.

  • The users can edit slides through PowerPoint or practice their presentation through the presenter coach.

  • The users can create the sheets using several templates available in the application.

Transform Pictures and Documents

  • The users can immediately scan the PDF files and convert them into word documents.

  • The users can create docs by clicking a picture or uploading the pictures from the camera roll.

Unique Mobile Capabilities

  • The users can note down quick notes to save and share them through Sticky Notes.

  • It enables the users to edit PDF files on their devices easily.

  • The PDF reader enables the users to access and sign in the PDFs easily and quickly.

  • The QR scanner lets the user scan the QR code and access the attached links.

Steps to download and install Office for Windows

The users can easily download and install the Office on Windows operating system by following the steps provided below. So, scroll down and apply the steps to download and install Office on the Windows operating system successfully.

  • First of all, the users are suggested to open a web browser.

  • Then go to the official website to access the account.

  • Now the users are suggested to sign in to the office 365 account.

  • Note: Visit portal.office.com to access the official account.

  • Now on the official webpage, the users are advised to choose the “Language.”

  • Then select the “Install” option.

  • After this, the users are advised to choose the “Run” option on the screen’s bottom.

  • Now the users are advised to follow the on-screen instructions and accept the license agreement.

  • When the user sees “You’re good to go,” then the users are suggested to choose the “All done” option.

  • In the end, the Office will get downloaded and installed on the Windows operating system easily and quickly.

Steps to download and install Office for Mac

By following the procedures outlined below, the users can quickly download and install the Office on the Mac operating system. Thus, to successfully download and install Office on the Windows operating system, scroll down and follow the steps provided below.

  • Open a web browser.

  • After this, go to the official website.

  • Note: The Office’s official website is “Portal.office.com.

  • Then the users are recommended to wait for the official website to open.

  • Once the official office page opens on the screen, the users are suggested to choose “Language” and then selecting the “Install” option.

  • Now once the download procedure gets complete, the users are suggested to choose the “.dmg” file and open it to access the office installer.

  • Then the users are advised to accept the license agreement and type the mac password to begin installing.

  • After this, the Office will get installed on the device.

  • Then on the welcome to office page, the mac users are suggested to choose “Sign in to an existing office 365 subscription.”

  • After that, the users are recommended to sign in to their office account.

So after applying the steps discussed above, the users can easily download and install the Office on their Windows and Mac devices. However, if any user finds it difficult while downloading or installing Office on their device, they are advised to contact the professionals for assistance.